lauantai 14. tammikuuta 2012

Indoor patio before and after

One of my hopes for 2012, improving our house decoration, is well on it's way. It was started with our kitchen last summer, and now it was time to fix an indoor patio which we had no use for.
Yksi toiveistani vuodelle 2012 oli sisustaa kotiamme toiveitamme vastaavaksi. Homma aloitettiin keittiöstä jo viime kesänä, ja nyt oli vuoro muokata viherhuone käyttökelpoiseksi.

This is what it looked like before:
Tältä siellä näytti ennen: 

We said goodbye to the minty colors and welcomed white and grey instead. The plain wood ceiling was covered with grey varnish. We took in a grey glass coffee table which we got for free from our relatives. The handcarved wooden bench and the two dark brown leather chairs were found second hand. We were lucky to find a carpet with a perfect color, and some pillows and blankets for the seats. The curtains are ten years old but you really can't tell, can you..?
Toivotimme maalarinvalkoisen ja laastinharmaan tervetulleiksi mintun sijaan. Puinen katto lakattiin harmaaksi. Lasipöytä saatiin ilmaiseksi sukulaisilta, käsinveistetty penkki ja kaksi nahkatuolia hankittiin käytettyinä.  Onnekkaina löysimme juuri oikean väristä, edullista terassimattoa. Tyynyjä ja vilttejä tänne sisäterassille hankittiin myös. Verhot ovat vuosikymmenen vanhat, mutta sehän ei haittaa...
It seems we now have the perfect place to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning or a glass of wine late at night. Filled with lots of daylight and candles, the indoor patio also looks really beautiful from our livingroom. I'm so glad we did it!
Meillä on nyt täydellinen paikka nauttia aamukahvia, tai lasi viiniä illalla. Kynttilöineen ja häikäisevine päivänvaloineen huone näyttää ihanalta myös olohuoneesta katsottuna. Onneksi ryhdyimme puuhaan!

14 kommenttia:

  1. Hyvältä näyttää! Täällä ja teidän uusiutuneessa viherhuoneessa:)

  2. looks so good! both your house and your blog : )

  3. Täydellinen muodonmuutos. Pukee teidän viherhuonetta kivasti. Voi että se piristää, kun saa jonkun paikan oikein kuntoon. Voin kuvitella, millaista tuolla on nauttia lasillinen viiniä :)

  4. Dear Anna!
    I like your old blog and I like your new blog very much.
    'Ansku' is the minimization for Anna, right?

    Your place looks warm and cosy!

    x Ariane.

  5. Hi Anna,
    Amazing new blog and beautiful redo of your indoor patio, love it, so warm and cozy. Enjoy your weekend!...Heidi

  6. Olina - Kiitos kovasti, mukava kuulla! Blogi vielä hakee paikkaansa, mutta ohjenuorana pidän noita uuden vuoden toiveitani. Tiedossa siis kodin uudistamista, mahdollisimman itse tehtyä ruokaa, harrastuksiani ja hyvän olon tavoittelua. Toivotaan, että pieniä matkojakin. :)

    demie - Thank you, I'm glad you like it! This blog is yet to find it's way, but I will be concentrating on the wishes I made for this year. Home improvement, good food, my hobbies and well-being. Hopefully a little travelling, too. :)

    Kirjailijatar - On se uskomatonta, miten pienetkin muutokset lisäävät viihtyisyyttä. Ja voin kertoa, että ensimmäisenä iltana vain istuin ja huokailin tuolla se viinilasi kädessäni! :D

    Ariane - Thank you, dear! Yes, my full name is Anna-Mari and Ansku is just a nickname. I've been called Ansku since I was a little child and there are only a few people who call me by my real name (some have known me for years and still don't know what my full name is!) Somehow I felt like it would be a nice change to use a part of my full name instead of the nickname. We'll see how it goes! :)

    Heidi - Thank you! There may be some small changes to this blog later on, but I'm hoping to keep it simple. It's the small things that count, right? :)

  7. This room is so cozy! I looooove the wood ceiling, warm touch. All that snow! My kids would go crazy to be there now!

  8. Rachel - My husband chose the color for the ceiling, I would have gone with the white varnish. I'm glad he disagreed! Oh yes, the snow - we hardly had any, but this week it snowed _massively_ for a couple of days. So now it looks pretty outside! :)

  9. Happy new year to you Ansku! Uups Anna-Mari
    And happy new Life!
    Your patio is a perfect start for your 2012 wishes - looks so comfy and nice - what an improvement! Well done! How wonderful to enjoy the enjoy the view, the snow (which I'm really jealous about!) and drinking some nice cup or glass of whatsoever. I can really image you sitting there!
    Wish you all the best! Barbara

    1. Thank you, dear Barbara! And feel free to call me Ansku if you wish, I really don't mind. :)
      I think renewing this patio was a perfect start for new year. It made me believe I can do anything (well, if I set my mind to it...) and it was such a boost for feeling good and going ahead with redecorating our whole house. The next project has already started, hopefully I'll have pictures for you in the next few weeks! :)

  10. How cozy it looks Ansku!
    I like all the windows and natural light, it's the perfect place to have a cup of coffee and see the sunrise and then at night watch the sunset.

    1. Thank you, Elisa! We really enjoy our new patio, and have already had friends over for coffee there. It truly is the perfect place for having a quiet moment and just relax :)


Take your time.